The Adventures of Bear Fittle is a series of children’s books. It takes them on a journey to explore and enjoy the adventures of eating healthy, playing outside, and hanging out with friends. The Red Apples, is the first edition of the series. It is a fun and easy-to-read book that follows a bear who enjoys eating apples. On this adventure Bear Fittle asks his mother to pick some apples as she heads to the chapel.
The Adventures of Bear Fittle is a series of children’s books. It takes them on a journey to explore and enjoy the adventures of eating healthy, playing outside, and hanging out with friends. The Red Apples, is the first edition of the series. It is a fun and easy-to-read book that follows a bear who enjoys eating apples. On this adventure Bear Fittle asks his mother to pick some apples as she heads to the chapel.
The Adventures of Bear Fittle is a series of children's books. It takes them on a journey to explore and enjoy the adventures of eating healthy, playing outside, and hanging out with friends. The Red Apples, is the first edition of the series. It is a fun and easy-to-read book that follows a bear who enjoys eating apples. On this adventure Bear Fittle asks his mother to pick some apples as she heads to the chapel.