The movie The Empire Strikes Back shows us only a small portion of Luke Skywalker's Jedi training under the tutelage of Master Yoda. In this story, witness a never-before-seen part of that training as Luke is given the task of finding - and retrieving - an object guarded by the deadliest creatures on the swamp world of Dagobah: the monstrous dragonsnakes! This is the most harrowing, dangerous, and muddiest mission that Luke has ever faced!
During his training with the quirky Jedi Master Yoda on the swampy planet of Dagobah, Luke Skywalker is assigned the task of retrieving an object guarded by the deadly dragonsnake.
The movie The Empire Strikes Back shows us only a small portion of Luke Skywalker's Jedi training under the tutelage of Master Yoda. In this story, witness a never-before-seen part of that training as Luke is given the task of finding - and retrieving - an object guarded by the deadliest creatures on the swamp world of Dagobah: the monstrous dragonsnakes! This is the most harrowing, dangerous, and muddiest mission that Luke has ever faced!