101 More Improv Games for Children and Adults
Bob Bedore
(Hunter House, Jan. 14, 2014)
101 More Improv Games for Children and Adults: A Smart Fun Book for Ages 5 and Up is the follow-up to Bob Bedore’s popular 101 Improv Games for Children and Adults. This sequel takes readers deeper into the craft of improv – with all new games!Improvisation is the magical art of creating something out of nothing, and making an audience laugh along the way. Author Bob Bedore emphasizes that improvisation, creativity, and teamwork are accessible to everyone, all the time. These 101 group games help will help readers learn to think on their feet, develop confidence, work as a team, and have a lot of fun in the process!This book stands on its own or is a great companion to Bob Bedore’s first book. While the first book focused on teaching improv skills to children, 101 More Improv Games for Children and Adults focuses on entertaining an audience and creating memorable scenes. It includes information about how to do long-form improvisation like plays and musicals, and how to produce your own improv show.Improv is a great way to have fun, relax, learn theater, and learn to work together. Educators and parents will love the way improv teaches these skills without seeming like an educational tool at all. Meanwhile, actors and improv students will appreciate the author's fun and down-to-earth approach to developing their craft.101 More Improv Games for Children and Adults is full of great activities for kids, teachers, drama students, actors, improv groups, or anyone experimenting with improv!