ROCKY: The Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Jennie nicassio, Dina Colangelo
(NIEJE Productions LLC, July 20, 2016)
An unlikely Christmas tree dreams of becoming the famous Rockefeller Christmas Tree in New York City. Come along with Rocky, Mary Louise, AJ, Mrs. Pickles and Bruce Spruce to New York City! The Kindle edition has special illustrations not in the hard back or paper book! The heartwarming tale touches on faith, believing in oneself, & persevering through adversity.The heartwarming tale makes an amazing gift for you son/daughter, niece or nephew. The illustrations are amazing, and the story endearing and heartwarming.The most magical time of the year in New York City comes in November with the lighting of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. Because of the significance of the occasion, evergreens from all around the world dream of becoming the Rockefeller Christmas Tree – and young Rocky is no exception. The only problem? As a small, rather unattractive sapling, Rocky can barely compete with the more robust specimens seeking to steal the spotlight he so desperately craves; however, with a little help – and a strong belief in himself – Rocky may just see his long-held dream finally come true... Rocky: The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is a heartwarming tale for readers of all ages. Touching on such universal themes as keeping the faith, believing in oneself, and persevering through adversity makes the story particularly appealing to young readers. By crafting Rocky as a flawed, yet determined tree – rather than an immaculate, undefeatable hero – readers easily relate to his passionate quest to succeed, despite the obstacles standing in his way.