Henry the Impatient Heron
Donna Love, Christina Wald
(Sylvan Dell Publishing, March 10, 2009)
Henry the Heron couldn’t stand still! He was always moving, and it drove everyone crazy! His brother and sister yelled at him for stepping on their heads, and Mom and Dad could barely get food into his little baby mouth. But herons have to stand still to catch their food, so how would Henry ever be able to eat on his own? In Henry the Impatient Heron, Donna Love takes readers along with Henry as he learns a valuable lesson from the King of Camouflage! Hilarious and lighthearted illustrations by Christina Wald complement the important lesson in the text. It is a meaningful lesson for both herons and kids alike, which teaches the importance of just being still! 2010 Gold Mom’s Choice Award for Best Children’s Picture Book, Developin g Social Skills 2009 Everglades Reading List, 2009 South Carolina Reads, Suggested Reading List, 2009 Florida Recommended Summer Reading List Reviewed by: School Library Journal, National Wildlife Federation’s Your Big Backyard, International Reading Association’s Reading Today4-6 pg For Creative Minds educational section in the back40-60 pg cross-curricular Teaching Activities and 3 Interactive Quizzes available free on the book’s homepageeBooks with Auto-Flip, Auto-Read and selectable English and Spanish text and audio