A stepdaughter of the prairie
Margaret Lynn
(RareBooksClub.com, June 28, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1914 edition. Excerpt: ...to be any use in dying if one weren't going to get any more out of it than this. And still I didn't like to give up the idea. Anyway, I was sure I was going to die, whether I wanted to or not. I would just have to make the most of it on my own account, and have it, like other large experiences, all to myself. One more possibility remained. My father was coming toward the house, and I directed my steps so as to cross his path. He ought at least to have a chance on such an occasion as this. But all he did was to say, noticing the direction in which I seemed to be going, ' Don't eat any of those cherries yet, daughter. They won't be ripe enough for another week." I had to wait a moment before I could say my obedient "Yes, sir." And there was so much that I might have said if I could have brought myself to do it! This was more than disappointment. It was a blow. I could have shed tears had not pride forbidden. To have it thought that I was after green cherries when I already had fly-poison in my system! It was my first really profound trial of having a great experience belittled, and it cut deep. I wandered out to where the mover was buried and sat down. I didn't choose the spot, but it seemed to lie in my way, and I paused to consider its appropriateness as a place for meditation. This was our nearest approach to knowledge of a graveyard, but it had always seemed inadequate in every way, and quite devoid of sentimental suggestion. The real pathos of the forgotten grave on a stranger's land seemed lost on everyone except my mother, who sent us to put flowers on it on Memorial Day, and had a man renew the wooden slab from time to time. But I think my father rather regretted the kindliness which had allowed it to be placed there....