Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs
Jamie Gilson, John Wallner
(HarperCollins, May 17, 1985)
"'His name is Tuan.' I pushed the cup toward him. Tea is a big thing in Vietnam and places like that. Everybody knows it. 'You like it here yet?' Caroline asked him, taking it slow. 'Yes,' he told her, waited a second, and then added, 'no kidding.'Suzanna gagged. 'No kidding?' She looked at me with her mouth hanging open. Nothing she could say. This was going much better than I could have hoped. Quint thought he was being funny, but the kid was almost a Harvey clone already."Harvey Trumble, who dreamed of glory in Gilson's side-splitting Harvey, the Beer Can King, here embarks ona heroic mission. His assignment: Mold newcomer Tuan Nguyen into an American. His method: Follow the Leader. His results: Well . . . Scrambled!