The new American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants together with a simple analytical flora ... the Atlantic division of the American union
Alphonso Wood
(, May 16, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1870 Excerpt: ...smooth when old, the lower spatulate, rather obtuse, upper reduced, acute; hds. about 7, large, 15-S0rayed; ped. and acute scales glandular. M Barrens, N. J. to Fla. Sf. Sept. 0 C. go»»f plna N. Cottony-tomentous, simple; lvs. uniform, ovate-oblong, oomse, the lower tapering to base; hds. few, large; ped. short, glandular. (2) Md. to Fla. Uj barrens. 1--2f. Lower leaves rarely sinuate-toothed. (C. dentata Ell.) Sept. T C. villoma N. Villous-pubescent, leafy to top; lvs. acute, lowor oblong-spatnlate, upper oblong-linear, bristly-ciliatc; hds. large, nmbel expanded. 111. to Ala. St H C. trietiopll/lla N. Silky-villous, branching, leafy; lvs. oblong to lance-linear, ihe lower obtuse: corymb large; ped. and scales smoothlsh. (a) Barrens, S. 2-3f. Sept. 9 C. scabrella T. & G. Dusty-scabrous, stout, branched; lvs. oblong-lanceolate, the lower narrowed to base, upper acute; corymb large; ped. glandular. Fla. Sf. Oct 10 decumbens Cnapm. Silky-villous, decumbent: lvs. lance-oblong, obtuse, with leafy axils, lower spat.-oblong: hds. very large, panlru ate. irlandnlar. Fla. 8-4f. Nov "H. CONTZA, L. Gnatbanb. Fls. all tubular, those of the margin 9 of the centre & or 8. Scales in several rows. Recep. flat or convex. Cyp compressed. Pap. t row of (red) capil. bristles.--Herbs chiefly trop. Fls. yel C. ambigua DC. Cinereous-pubescent; lower lvs. siuuate-lobcd, acute, middle re pand-dentate, npper linear, entire; hds. panicled. Ga. 8. Car. Ap.-Jl. $ (C. ainnata Kll.) 32. INULA, L. Elecampane. Hds. many-flowered. Invol. imbricate Ray-fls. numerous, S; disk-fls. 9. Recep. naked. Pap. simple, scabrous. Anthers with 2 bristles at base. U Coarse European herbs, with alternate leaves and very large yellow heads. I. Ilolcnlum L. Lvs. amplexicaul, orate, r...