The Bird Who Was Afraid to Clean the Crocodile's Teeth!:
Taylor Brandon
(Upside Down Ink, Aug. 22, 2013)
* Simplified edition 8.5 inches x 11 inches All the African river birds are assigned one crocodile's teeth to clean! Slim draws Gar, the meanest looking crocodile ever! (The luck of the draw!) Initially afraid to clean Gar's teeth, Slim goes on a jungle adventure learning that, in the end, appearances can be deceiving! The Bird Who Was Afraid to Clean the Crocodile's Teeth! is part of the Upside Down Animals ® series, featured on Martha Stewart TV. Upside Down Animals ® is a children's book series based on animals doing the opposite of what they are famous for! Published by Upside Down Ink in the U.S.A. and internationally.