Anna and the Magical Horse - Henry the Hobo - the Pond
Henry Denkhaus
(Inspiring Voices, Sept. 17, 2013)
This book contains three stories and is meant to grow with the child. The first, Anna and the Magical Horse, is about a toy horse that, when taken to bed with a little girl, goes with her to all the places she dreams. At first he thinks it is only with the one girl, but later finds that its with anyone, even you. Henry the Hobo is about a toy doll that is made fun of because of his clothes and how shabby he looks. He learns through a little girl that looks and clothes do not make the man, or in this case the doll. He learns that love is for everyone and should be forever.The final story is The Pond, a short story about animals that live in and around a pond in a park. It tells humorous stories of their living there and how they got there with some humor and some close calls in life.