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Other editions of book Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

  • The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes: Fully Illustrated Edition

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    Paperback (Jazzybee Verlag, April 10, 2016)
    Pretty well everybody reads Mr. Conan Doyle; and none of those who agree in the general verdict that the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" are unsurpassed of late years as stories of detective ingenuity will wait for a recommendation to read the final " Memoirs" of the same suprasubtle unraveller of mysteries. The story of the last exploit of the hero of a "Study in Scarlet," ending with his apotheosis at the Falls of Reichenbach, brings his memoirs to a close in a sufficiently striking manner, though not, it must be confessed, without an extra allowance of the bizarre and the improbable. It was fitting that, if Mr. Holmes was to die a violent death at the hands of an enemy, this enemy should be a thaumaturgist like himself, only not benevolent, and not quite so clever. In other words, he had to be an impossible monstrosity, and that is what Mr. Conan Doyle has drawn, with a good deal of plausible versimilitude. It is only fair to add that the "Memoirs" are as attractive and as appetizing as the "Adventures."
  • Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Hardcover (John Murray, March 15, 1970)
  • Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    Audio Cassette (BBC Consumer Publishing, March 15, 1998)