The Old Genie Hottabych: For children
Lazar Lagin
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 2, 2016)
Tale of Old Genie Hottabych Lazar Lagin - magical adventure of an ordinary boy Kostylkova Wolken and his friends after his release enchanted genie Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khattab, that is, the Old Man Hottabych. Eccentric, but very good genie is Wolke, because he saved him from a long imprisonment in a jug.Tale of Lazarus Lagin "The old man Hottabych" - a book that will be interesting to read not only children but also adults. It is distinguished by a special magic atmosphere, kindness and humor.Lazar I. Lagin (real name - Ginzburg; 1903-1979) - Soviet writer and poet, a leading representative of the Soviet satirical and children's literature. Soviet writer, novelist, poet and journalist. One of the leading representatives of the Soviet children's literature and satirical. The most famous work: the fairy tale "The Old Genie Hottabych."