Arthur, a teenage boy, suddenly finds his life turned upside down after pulling an enchanted sword from a block of stone, after hundreds of brave knights and noblemen across the country had failed. This means that Arthur is now to be crowned King and Ruler of the Seven Realms.But some of the exalted knights of Camelot feel that their new boy king must first prove himself before they can accept him as their sovereign. And so they send him on a perilous quest to slay the fearsome fire-breathing Minecraft Nether Dragon, spawned by the evil witch Morgana…
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 26, 2018)
Arthur, a teenage boy, suddenly finds his life turned upside down after pulling an enchanted sword from a block of stone, after hundreds of brave knights and noblemen across the country had failed. This means that Arthur is now to be crowned King and Ruler of the Seven Realms.But some of the exalted knights of Camelot feel that their new boy king must first prove himself before they can accept him as their sovereign. And so they send him on a perilous quest to slay the fearsome fire-breathing Minecraft Nether Dragon, spawned by the evil witch Morgana…