"The Ultimate Teenager's Guide to Success; Transformation through Self Education," is a resource to provide young people with the knowledge that will allow them to:● Map out a vision for their future● Set goals to help them achieve their dreams● Identify a College or a Career● Start their own business● Manage and save money● And much more. . .The goal of this book is to teach young people how to stay positive, healthy, and motivated. It assures teens that they are valuable to society and that they should work hard to have a successful life. This will lead them to become healthy and wise adults who will protect the wellbeing of the generations that follow.
"The Ultimate Teenager's Guide to Success; Transformation through Self Education," is a resource to provide young people with the knowledge that will allow them to: ● Map out a vision for their future ● Set goals to help them achieve their dreams ● Identify a College or a Career ● Start their own business ● Manage and save money ● And much more. . .The goal of this book is to teach young people how to stay positive, healthy, and motivated. It assures teens that they are valuable to society and that they should work hard to have a successful life. This will lead them to become healthy and wise adults who will protect the wellbeing of the generations that follow.