A Princess' Story: A Story For All Puppy Lovers
Marjorie Yobe
(Marjorie Yobe, March 19, 2014)
This adorable little puppy could be any puppy in any home. Could she already in your home? Would you be able to love her no matter how many naughty things she does? What behavior would be impossible to overlook? Could she push you to the point that she will have to go? Removal from her home is what this little princess is trying to avoid. But no matter how hard she tries, she just keeps making poor decisions that get her into trouble with everyone in her family. What bratty action might be just too hard to accept? What behaviors would be serious enough to make you want to remove her from your home? Where could you send her? Would you give her away? Sell her? Or worse? Or is she so adorable that your home will always be her home?You decide as you evaluate each naughty behavior to make your decision. Her fate rests in your hands. Can you still want her?