The MARKET LADS and ME! Coming of age story containing strong adult humour.: Being a dick! A strange tale indeed!
S C Hamill
(, July 8, 2014)
WELCOME TO SEVEN DAYS IN THE LIFE OF A 1980's TEENAGER....I hope you enjoy the FUC$%&* RIDE!!!A life of fun and fear, and love and beer... Joy and pain and sunshine and rain.... BUT LEARNING LIFE'S JUST LIKE THAT!The Market Lads and Me, is fond recollections and happy memories of a week in my life in the early 80βs working at Wigan wholesale fruit & vegetable market.The writing is based on real people, real lives and real events....WITH A LITTLE TOMFOOLERY THROWN IN FOR GOOD MEASURE!!! reviews accepted with thanks.Five stars:Full of gritty and witty northern patter, thoroughly enjoyed the book.Five stars:This is a shoot from the hip story about a week in the life of an eighties teenager, thoroughly enjoyed the read.Five Stars:Fantastic book, a must read 10/10.Five stars:Good read, worth a look.