Pushkin threefold; narrative, lyric, polemic, and ribald verse
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
(Dutton, March 15, 1972)
\"Pushkin Threefold\" presents in a single volume three versions--the original, a translation into plain or occasionally 'rhythmic' prose, and verse translation reproducing as faithfully as possible the form, the spirit, and the flavor of the originals--several works of Pushkin. Included are seventy-four shorter poem ranging between 1817 and 1836; the longer poems \"Tsar Nikita and His Forty Daughters\", \"The Gypsies\", \"The Bridegroom\", \"Count Nulin\" \"Tsar Saltan\", \"The Bronze Hoserman\"; and twenty-two stanzas selected from the the translator's 1963 translation of \"Eugene Onegin\", Pushkin's novel in verse.