The Smile That Went Around the World
Patrice Karst, Jana Christy
(Devorss & Co., April 20, 2009)
NEW Revised edition available June 2, 2014! ISBN-13: 9780875168753THE SMILE THAT WENT AROUND THE WORLD (ages 3+) It's happened to everyone. You re in a sad mood about something and out of nowhere, you see a child smile or hear a laugh and for a moment the sadness is gone and your heart is filled with joy. Yes, it can happen that easily. In a modern world where emails and photos can be sent to the other side of the planet in seconds, where planes fly to far off countries everyday, where city sidewalks and highways are covered with millions of people going in millions of directions, it makes you realize just how easily a simple smile can actually go around the world. Here s an uplifting story of how one smile finds its way around the world, cheering up everyone along the way.What starts out as a simple gift that sparks a smile and a chain reaction of kindness, this heart-warming story is about a smile . . . that went around the world. This smile is very special yet easy to follow as it quickly moves from one to another, and then another and another and another, until finally one day the young boy who first sent the smile on its way finds himself feeling sad. Soon, that same special smile finds its way back and puts a smile on his face . . . when "he" needs it most.