Zeph. A posthumous story
Helen Hunt Jackson
(RareBooksClub.com, May 11, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1885 Excerpt: ...about food. I '11 see that he 'n' the boy have all they need. I '11 look after 'em." "Then I allaow they '11 be looked arter," said Gammer. "Anybody 'd know jest by ther way yer step aout yer hed n't no slouch abaout yeow! Yer powerful active, yer air, fur a woman er yeour build. It's cur'us naow what tuk Zeph ter yeour door thet night, ain't it? He hain't hed much luck, but thet wuz luck; I allow ter yeou, looks like 'twuz! Good day t' ye, good day! I allaow thet Bud 's got hes hair inter a wuss snarl 'n 'twuz afore, while we've been talkin'. Ez soon's I've got through cleanin' him up I shell go inter Zeph's 'n' straighten aout things thar." Miss Sophy went home like one walking in a dream of horror. In the whole course of her placid thirty-five years no such glimpse as this of the dark side of human life and human nature had ever reached her. The currents of existence in her native village were always as smooth as they were dull; no crime had ever been committed there, neither did any of the great daily newspapers come into the place with its record of the wretched iniquities of the outside world. Vaguely Miss Sophy knew that such things were, as she knew that there were volcanic eruptions and cyclones; but to find herself thus face to face with, in fact almost involved in, one of the most dreadful of all human tragedies, stunned her. "Right here in Pendar Basin, too," she said j to herself, "in this little village, and 'mongst workin' folks, too; I declare it's awful! I don't like bein' mixed up in it, anyhow. It don't seem decent to even know about it But somebody's got to look after that man, that's certain; 'n' I'd rather do it myself without any help than go 'n' tell anybody such a story 's that. I'd bite my to...