Digimon: The Official Game Guide
John Whitman
(Harper Paperbacks, May 30, 2000)
Hey kids! Want to get online with all the fun? Digifun that is!! Do you live to play the awesome Digicard game? Are you and all yourfriends champion card collectors? If so, this book is for you. It's the only official guide to the trading cards and the Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game -- plus it's filled with fun facts you can only find right here! Like:How to get from "In-Training" Digimon status to "Rookie," "Champion," "Ultimate," and even all the way to "Mega Digimon"A complete explanation of the rules of the Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game, from placing your Rookie card to combat in the Duel Zone to raking in the points!A quick reference guide that shows you all the ways your Rookies can Digivolve into Champions, Ultimates, and Megas!A special strategy section, including tips on how to build the best Battle Deck and sample games so that you can perfect your moves, even before you get into the game!Also includes:Bonus Section -- Digimon Trading Cards! Get a sneak preview of the trading cards everyone else is going to be scrambling for!Digi-Appendix -- Includes a checklist and picture of all of the currently available character cards so you can keep track of the ones you have and the ones you still need to get.And E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G you ever wanted to know about Digimon trading cards! So grab the power and get in on the action!