William Gray, of Salem, Merchant; A Biographical Sketch
Edward Gray
(RareBooksClub.com, May 9, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1914 Excerpt: ...Sir, With great respect Your most ob sert Wm. Gray. His Excellency John Quincy Adams Minister from U. States at the Court of St. Petersburg.1 Another method was to draw bills on some European agent in favor of a captain, to be drawn when necessary. Boston, Mch. 10th, 1810. Messrs. Ba1nbr1dge & Brown, London. Gentlemen, Above you have copy of what I wrote you last, since which I have valued upon you 1 General Correspondence of John Quincy Adams, 1810-11, no. 46, Massachusetts Historical Society. 1810, Feb. 17 in favor John Treadwell 92 Mch. 1," "Joseph Foster 1000 ""Pratt & Andrews 500 6 " "Alexr H. Everett 500 On the 15 Feby ult my ship Pactolus, John Bickford master, bound to East Indies sailed. I valued upon you in favor of said Captain the following bills, which he may negociate if he finds it for my interest, annexed you have his signature. One set favor Bickford £S00 One do 4000 One do 3000 One do 2000 One do 1000 15000 All the bills at 60 days sight. I am respectfully, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant Wm. Gray. Enclosed is Joseph Moody's 2nd exchange on Bainbridge & Brown in my favor at 60 days sight 1200 sterling.1 On December 31, 1809, Mr. Gray had a balance due him with Messrs. Bainbridge & Brown, who seem to have been his London agents at this period, of 38,505. 16j. 2d. Another way of doing business was to have a regular correspondent at a given port and to have him assist the captains in their sales and purchases. 1 In these letters I have followed the spelling and punctuation in the letter-book. Boston, Boston, Dec. 22nd, 1809. Messrs. Vall1n Routh & Co. Naples. Gentlemen This I hope will be handed you by Capt. Timothy Newhall of my schooner Louisiana bound to your place, with a cargo ...