Whispering Wind
Colonel Red Reeder
(, July 7, 2011)
A STORY OF THE MASSACRE AT SAND CREEK. Whispering Wind was a Cheyenne. And the lands and the game of the Cheyennes were being taken by westward-moving white men. Eager for action yet mindful of the wise words of his father, Whispering Wind was torn between his desire to join the fierce raids of the ‘Dog soldiers,’ the warriors, and his horror of torture and death.Brave Heart, father of Whispering Wind, would go to Denver, to speak to the ruthless white colonel, Chivington, for peace. Black Kettle, Chief of the Cheyennes, agreed that Whispering Wind would go with him.That fatal journey leads into a stirring tale of an Indian boy’s heroism during what history knows as the Sand Creek massacre. Here is the story of the tremendous dangers braved by Whispering Wind for the sake of his father.It is a bold, plain-spoken story in which Indian ways and Indian customs are accurately portrayed; in which Indians and whites are depicted alike as men, with the same reactions to threats against life and property, with similar weaknesses in individuals, with equal individual courage and stanchness in the face of danger.