When I Grow up I Want to Live in the Jungle
Aiden Heiser Weinberger
(Xlibris US, Aug. 22, 2014)
Step into the world of a three-year-old. Aiden Heiser Weinberger had his future planned. No stuffy shirt and tie for him. As a matter of fact, no clothes at all! This book came about when Aiden confided a secret to his mom: he didnt want to be a doctor as hed been telling everyone for two straight weeks. He wanted to be a jungle man! Why the secret? He told a few people he wanted to be a jungle man, and they laughed. So he kept it a secret for two whole weeks. This book was based on a direct conversation with his mom about his career choice. What would he wear? What he would eat? How would Mommy and Daddy visit him? Who would he play with? Would he be afraid? How would he get around? His answers became the book.