You Saw What?!
Angela Chance, April Chance
(Angela Stark Chance, Oct. 15, 2013)
The month of October is really wild, AND I DO MEAN WILD, when three cousins decide to take off into the woods of east Texas to solve a mystery haunting everyone in the area. Going deep into the woods, near the edge of the Big Thicket, their goal is to find an old, abandoned church that supposedly has a bell that still rings and nobody knows why. In trying to solve that mystery, they discover other mysteries that are even more challenging, and at times, terrifying!! Unexpected, wild experiences happen to them at every turn and it really gets interesting, just when they think they have made it through the craziest part of their adventure. The problem is that there are several local legends about that area. One of them is a well-known fact that there have been many Bigfoot sightings in east Texas for years. Two of the kids, April and Daniel, are believers in Bigfoot because of something that happened to their own mother. But their stubborn cousin, Monty, is not a believer. That is, until one crazy, yet hilariously funny experience makes him change his mind!! Most of the things that happen in this book are absolutely true and you will have to decide for yourself which ones YOU believe. Enjoy