Tree guide; trees east of the Rockies
Julia Ellen Rogers
(, June 27, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1914 edition. Excerpt: ...the smooth limbs; twigs coated with thick, reddish tomentum the first season. Wood light brown, fine-grained, strong, light, hard, used for furniture, wooden shoes, in turned work of all sorts, and for fuel. Leaves ovate, acute, doubly serrate, 1 to 3 inches long, thin, shining dark green above, yellow-green beneath, petioles short, fuzzy, flat. Flowers before leaves, March, as described in preceding species. Fruit ripe in June, erect, cylindrical cones, hairy, 1 to 2 inches long with bracts 3-fingered at top, and oval, hairy, broadwinged nutlet. Dist.: Along lake shores, swamps, and rivercourses, Massachusetts to Florida, west to Texas; following Mississippi River from Minnesota to the Gulf; also in Ohio, southern Wisconsin and eastern Nebraska. Desirable ornamental tree. Planted in copses to hold banks from washing. Norway Maple (Acer platanoides). A round-headed dense tree, very quick and vigorous of growth in the United States, with dark green, smooth broad leaves, 5-lobed, remotely toothed, with milky sap, scarcely paler beneath, 5 to 6 inches long and broad, turning clear yellow before falling. Flowers yellow-green, in flat clusters, after leaves, in May, followed by pairs of thin, broad-winged keys spreading to almost opposite position, and joining in a straight line between the seed ends. Red-leaved varieties are also much planted. One of the best maples for avenue planting and for home grounds. Color illustration of October woods. Holly (Ilex opaca, Ait.). 15 to 45 feet. A sturdy tree with narrow pyramidal head of short, slender limbs, and stout, twigs, pubescent at first with fine, red hairs. Bark gray, warty; on branches brown. Wood white, close-grained, tough, light, much used and valued in turnery and inlay work, for engravers'...