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Books with title To Dream Is To Die

  • To Dream Is To Die

    Sarah Lampkin

    eBook (The Parliament House, Oct. 5, 2018)
    Eighteen-year-old Brenna Whit is entering college as a freshman and starting to meet new people, but she hides a dark secret. Because of an accident that happened three years ago, her spirit wanders the Fade whenever she falls asleep. It's something she wants to keep hidden from the world, but when she sees someone watching her in spirit form, she fears the secret's out. With new friends, possibly new enemies, school, and a new crush, Brenna has too much to worry about for just her freshman year of college.
  • To Dream Is To Die

    Sarah Lampkin

    Paperback (Independently published, Jan. 1, 2019)
    Eighteen-year-old Brenna Whit is entering college as a freshman and starting to meet new people, but she hides a dark secret. Because of an accident that happened three years ago, her spirit wanders the Fade whenever she falls asleep. It's something she wants to keep hidden from the world, but when she sees someone watching her in spirit form, she fears the secret's out. With new friends, possibly new enemies, school, and a new crush, Brenna has too much to worry about for just her freshman year of college.
  • Dreams To die

    David Churchill

    language (David Churchill, April 4, 2013)
    Sigmund, Portia and Christine, at vulnerable stages in their lives, are abducted by kidnappers from another world. Temporarily held in a secret location, they suffer great indignities, subjected to a technology that makes their subconscious hopes and fears public viewing. But they are strong characters and although under the stress of horror, and bewildered by supernatural undertones, they struggle to survive, support each other and remain on Earth
  • Dead Dreamer: To Dream Is to Die

    Sarah Lampkin

    Paperback (America Star Books, Aug. 27, 2012)
    Eighteen-year-old Brenna Harp is entering Myst College as a freshman and starting to meet new people, but she hides a dark secret: because of an accident that happened three years ago, her spirit wanders "the Fade" whenever she falls asleep. It's something she wants to keep hidden from the world, but when she sees someone watching her in spirit form, she fears the secret's out. With the demons and fairies that wander the Fade, Brenna has enough to worry about. Now that she's in college, it's schoolwork, new friends, new enemies, and something under the surface happening at Myst College. Only time will tell if she will survive her first year of college.
  • Dream to Dream

    G.A Wallevik, Su Man Peck

    Every kid has a dream. But Luma takes his dream seriously by taking it a step forward. Watch Luma, a young and innocent child, brim with excitement as he takes the first step towards fulfilling his dreams.