William Shakespeare
(, April 18, 2013)
Valentine.Cease to perswade, my louing Protheus;Home-keeping-youth, haue euer homely wits,Wer’t not affection chaines thy tender dayesTo the sweet glaunces of thy honour’d Loue,I rather would entreat thy company,To see the wonders of the world abroad,Then (liuing dully sluggardiz’d at home)Weare out thy youth with shapelesse idlenesse.But since thou lou’st; loue still, and thriue therein,Euen as I would, when I to loue begin.Pro.Wilt thou be gone? Sweet Valentine ad ew,Thinke on thy Protheus, when thou (hap’ly) feestSome rare note-worthy obiect in thy trauaile.Wish me partaker in thy happinesse,When thou do’st meet good hap; and in thy danger,(If euer danger doe enuiron thee)Commend thy grieuance to my holy prayers,For I will be thy beades-man, Valentine.Val.And on a loue-booke pray for my fuccesse?This edition includes:- A complete biography of William Shakespeare- Table of contents with directs links to chapters.