The Magical Mox
Gunnar Andersen
(The Andersen Family Press, LLC, Sept. 5, 2010)
“The Magical Mox” is the wonderful story of a perfect mythical kingdom where a creature called “the Mox” paints the entire world and all its inhabitants every night. One day the king decides he has had enough of this, so he captures the Mox and puts him in a cage. Now for the first time the people must paint their own lives – but how? “The Magical Mox” is full of rich imagery. Written in rhyme, it weaves a beautiful tale of love, loyalty, and consequences; and of the powerful magic we create with our thoughts, words, and deeds.Check out the other children's stories available from the Andersen Family Press -- all in rhyme, all the time.PLEASE NOTE: THE KINDLE VERSION OF THIS BOOK IS TEXT ONLY AND INCLUDES NO ILLUSTRATIONS.