The Tree of Life
Justin Stumvoll
(Justin Stumvoll, Dec. 7, 2015)
Through an act of providence, Oakie the acorn is buried in an apple orchard by an eccentric adventurer, Otis the wild-eyed squirrel. Oakie finds himself in an unfamiliar world, wrestling with who he is and whether or not he should stay. After a thrilling adventure exploring life outside of the orchard, Oakie returns home to an unexpected nemesis, Joshua, “the people". When tragedy strikes, Oakie and Joshua go on the most crucial journey of their lives, changing their destiny forever. The Tree of Life is an allegory that chronicles the journey each of us must embark upon to find healing from the bumps and bruises incurred through life. The invitation resounding from The Tree of Life is for adults to return to the joys of imaginative innocence and it’s a promise to children that everything they need to fulfill their dreams is within them. The message for everyone is that we must learn how to come alive wherever we find ourselves planted!