The Knockabouts
DK Williamson
(Deadeye Fiction, May 12, 2016)
Strap in, hang on, and remain seated. Keep your hands inside the story at all times--and enjoy the ride.It's a wide open galaxy out there and anything is possible. Adventure and opportunity await! All a freelance spacer needs is a good ship, a nose for opportunity, and a fistful of luck.But there's a downside. There's always a downside. The Big Black is a dangerous place and a single mistake can turn an adventurer into... it's best to not even think about it. The safe move is to be sensible and leave spacefaring and all the hazards that go with such foolishness behind and get a safe job groundside, complete with benefits and pension.What spacer worthy of the name would want that?Knockabout spacers Teller Skellum and Ord Hawmer have earned a name for themselves in certain circles, with the ship ARC Lance the tool of their trade - a strike sloop turned rapid transit transport that many call a smuggler's dream.When a legit transport job goes sour, Teller and Ord find themselves boxed in by a first-rate frame job and pursued by just about everything the galaxy can throw at them, making escape an unlikely prospect. With bounty agents, law enforcement, military forces, and more on their tails, things look grim for our intrepid adventurers - but there's good news! They have a wealth of options: death, prison, or clearing their names, and not a one will be easy.Not every mismatch has a foregone outcome and sometimes the underdog strikes back. Long odds and high stakes mean one thing: Roll with the punches or get busy landing a few of their own, what else is a knockabout to do?The Knockabouts, approximately 125,000 words. Presented free of DRM and chock full of chases, brawls, blaster fire, humor, high-octane adventure, and the literary equivalent of big budget special effects. How in the galaxy can such a small and portable package contain so much for such a low price? Lovingly crafted, ultra-lightweight, and hand selected electrons chosen for their entertainment retaining properties, that's how!