The girls' own book
Lydia Maria Child
(, Sept. 13, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1833 edition. Excerpt: ...copal var-nish; when perfectly dry, turn it, and varnish the other side. SHADOWED LANDSCAPES. Observe very accurately all the light parts of your picture, and draw or trace theni on a sheet of paper; with a knife, or small sharp scissors, cut out all the light places you have marked. It will not seem to have any form or likeness, until you hold it up between a candle and the wall; if well dor,c, the shadow will then look like a soft-coloured picture. A sheet of fine letter-paper placed behind it, and both held up to the light, produces the same, or a better effect PAPER LANDSCAPES. Observe well the shadows of the picture you wish to copy, draw their shape as exactly as you can, and cut them out. Paste these pieces on a sheet of paper, in such places as they belong in the landscape: if the shade be rather light, put on only one thickness of paper; if darker, two thicknesses, and three thicknesses, may bo used; if the shadow be very deep and heavy, five and six pieces may be pasted on, one above another. When held up to the light, shades arc produced, differing in degree according to the thickness of the paper. These make very pretty transparencies for lamps in summer. I have seen china lamp-shndes, that appeared perfectly white in the day-time; but the china was thicker in some places than in others; and when the light shone through, it iooked like a soft landscape in India-ink. 15 THE GIRL'S OWN BOOK. POMATUM LANDSCAPES. A Piece of cardpaper is covered with a thin, smooth coal of pomatum, and then rubbed over with a common lead pencil until it becomes quite dark; not what is called black-lead pencil, but the common lead, called plummet. The lights of the picture are then scraped away with a sharp-pointed knife, or needle. CHINESE BOXES....