The Family Aventures of Princess Ladybug and Princess Ladybird: Laundry Day
Carolyn Jenkins
(CjQenterprises, May 1, 2015)
Ladybugs, strong sibling bonds, family love and the biggest belly laugh you'll get today; these are waiting for you in The Family Adventures of Princess Ladybug and Princess Ladybird: Laundry Day. Princess Ladybug and Princess Ladybird are life size ladybug sisters. These sisters love each other very much, maybe like you and your sister, except they don’t see one another very often. The youngest sister, Ladybird, lives with their Daddy. Ladybug, lives with her mom. This weekend, they’re excited because they can spend it together with Daddy. They know, when their family gets together, Adventure is just around the corner! This weekend, Daddy has an injury, so Granny is visiting to help take care of the family, and the laundry. Princess Ladybug and Princess Ladybird want to have a tea party. They have to wait until the laundry is done, and that’s when the adventure begins. The Family Adventures of Princess Ladybug and Princess Ladybird: Laundry Day, is a fun book for everyone, especially girls aged three through twelve. You’ll want to curl up with it and read it aloud. It will make you laugh out loud, and it sounds even funnier the second time you read it. It’s full of family fun and sibling bonding, so come on and join the Princesses. Adventure awaits! Adventure: an exciting experience.