Martin H. Manser, Rosalind Fergusson, David Pickering
(Checkmark Books, March 1, 2007)
Traces the meaning and origins of more than 1,700 commonly known proverbs, presenting an alphabetized listing that includes recording dates, variant forms, and usage examples. Simultaneous.
Martin H. Manser, Rosalind Fergusson, David Pickering
(Facts on File, March 1, 2007)
Traces the meaning and origins of more than 1,700 commonly known proverbs, presenting an alphabetized listing that includes recording dates, variant forms, and usage examples. Simultaneous.
The Facts On File Dictionary of Biology, Fourth Edition defines the basic principles and terms used. Approximately 300 new entries have been added to reflect new information, and current entries and back matter have been revised as needed. Pronuciation symbols have been added.
Explaining basic terms, concepts and issues at the heart of evolutionary biology, this dictionary includes terms relating to the origin of life and the evidence and mechanisms of evolution, such as natural selection, heredity and speciation in addition to the evo/devo school of biology.