Destiny Stone
Timothy Ellis, Elspeth Anders
(, Sept. 9, 2017)
Everyone wants something.Snark wants Seasprite, owned by Anna, who seeks the Destiny Stone. Jamie wants Anna, but she’s obsessed with the Stone, so he wants the Stone to give to her.Warspite wants to end the secrecy of his presence on Seasprite.The enigmatic and evil Brotherhood want the Stone, and don’t care how many die in the process. Jane cares how many die, but is busy building her Kingdom, making alliances across four sectors, ensuring Duke Fred sorts out Cat World issues, and enlisting her AI brethren to stave off boredom, and join in the quest for the Stone. The big news everywhere is Seasprite, the only Human ship beyond Hunter's Run, but the worry is the swathe of destruction which follows her course through sector eight.Signs, portents, visions, and maps found along the way, define a dangerous quest.As ship and crew get further away from friends, is it possible to make new friends to offset enemies? At the heart of everything is the Destiny Stone, real or imagined. Snark doesn’t know if it’s real. But mop heads or not, he’s going to see this quest through, regardless of the consequences.The Hunter Legacy UniverseIs best read in this order:The Hunter LegacyHero at LargeHunted Hero HuntingSend in the HeroMake or Break the HeroHail the HeroBurnside's KillerHire a HeroJane's ChristmasHero to the RescueHero at the GatesThe Long Road to GaiaHome is Where the Hero IsHero in DarknessHero to the EndA.I. DestinyAdmiral of GaiaKingdom of Hunter's RunSnark's QuestDestiny StoneTalisman of TomorrowLeader of Sector TenThe Spacemage ChronicleYesterday's SpacemageToday's SpacemageTomorrow's SpacemageThe Hunter ImperiumCrossoverHunter's TerminusReaper's Crossroad Blind into the Breach Legend of Dreamwalker *forthcoming*Imperator *forthcoming*