The Chronicles of Clovis: By Saki - Illustrated
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 17, 2017)
Why buy our paperbacks? Expedited shipping High Quality Paper Made in USA Standard Font size of 10 for all books 30 Days Money Back Guarantee BEWARE of Low-quality sellers Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding. Their pages fall off easily. Some of them even use very small font size of 6 or less to increase their profit margin. It makes their books completely unreadable. How is this book unique? Unabridged (100% Original content) Font adjustments & biography included Illustrated The Chronicles of Clovis by Saki Renowned for his witty dialogue and macabre humor, Saki skewered the pretensions and follies of the Edwardian age. This collection of well-plotted, acerbic stories showcases his mastery of comic repartee. The tales recount the escapades of an irreverent socialite, Clovis Sangrail—a forerunner to the aristocratic Bertie Wooster of Jeeves fame. Saki's satires remain remarkably contemporary, offering paradoxical combinations of good-natured irony and cheerful cruelty. This compact anthology features some of his most popular stories, including "Sredni Vashtar," "Tobermory," "Esmé," and "Mrs. Packletide's Tiger."