The Adventures of Lucky Duck
Suzan Kayaalp
(Page Publishing Inc, Feb. 17, 2015)
This heartwarming adventure of Lucky Macy, a mallard, is based on a true story of a duckling found in the early spring of 2006. Lucky's adventures began after her egg was found in front of Macy's department store near Livingston, New Jersey, by two kind farm girls, Annie and Marie Williams, who welcomed the duckling into their lives and hearts as the newest member of their family. Follow as Annie; Marie; a miniature horse named Lita; Sydney, a self-centered sparrow; and Chippy, an easy-going chipmunk, join in the fun of helping Lucky discover not only what she is but also about the value of family. In time, Lucky will realize that family is made up of the ones who love you regardless of who you are.