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Books with title The Night Call

  • The Call

    Peadar O'Guilin, Amy Shiels, Scholastic Audio

    Audiobook (Scholastic Audio, Sept. 1, 2016)
    The Hunger Games meets horror in this unforgettable thriller where only one thing is will be Called. Thousands of years ago, humans banished the Sidhe fairy race to another dimension. The beautiful, terrible Sidhe have stewed in a land of horrors ever since, plotting their revenge...and now their day has come. Fourteen-year-old Nessa lives in a world where every teen will be "Called". It could come in the middle of the day, it could come deep in the night. But one instant she will be here, and the next she will wake up naked and alone in the Sidhe land. She will be spotted, hunted down, and brutally murdered. And she will be sent back in pieces by the Sidhe to the human world...unless she joins the rare few who survive for 24 hours and escape unscathed. Nessa trains with her friends at an academy designed to maximize her chances at survival. But as the days tick by and her classmates go one by one, the threat of her Call lurks ever closer...and with it the threat of an even more insidious danger closer to home.
  • Comes the Night

    Norah Wilson, Heather Doherty

    language (Something Shiny Press, Nov. 27, 2012)
    How far would you go to escape your own personal teenage hell? Would you run away, break away from everything you know—even your own body? Alex Robbins, Brooke Saunders and Maryanne Hemlock could not be more different, yet they all have something in common—deep and soul-searing pain. They are also all students at Streep Academy, a boarding school just one step away from juvie, where they've come to complete high school. The three have been relegated to Harvell House, the residence reserved for the hardest cases, the so-called Rejects from Reject Row. In the forbidden attic of the old Victorian house-turned-residence, the girls discover the diary of Connie Harvell, a young woman who was confined and abused there some 50 years ago. In the end, Connie’s attic prison couldn't hold her—not completely. She found a way out. At least a dark part of her did. And after reading her diary, the girls discover they can escape at will too. A terrifying, thrilling flight from their bodies and their troubles. But God help them, their pain isn't all they leave behind when they join with the night. And God help anyone who’s wronged them...
  • They Call Me the Night Howler!

    R. L. Stine

    Paperback (Scholastic Inc., July 7, 2020)
    This is Slappy's world -- You only scream in it! Mason Brady loves comics! He knows every hero, villain, and sidekick. He even draws his own characters. On a trip to his favorite place, the Comic Book Characters Hall of Fame Museum, Mason explores every exhibit. He even comes across the very real Night Howler. But when villains start terrorizing the town, Mason realizes that his whole life is about to change. Will Mason be a superhero or a superzero?
  • The Call

    Os Guinness, Thomas Nelson

    Audible Audiobook (Thomas Nelson, March 11, 2001)
    In the tradition of C.S. Lewis and Oswald Chambers, internationally renowned author and thinker Os Guinness has produced a classic work on life's purpose. With his usual incisiveness, Guinness goes past your superficial understanding to the very heart of what calling means. Far bigger than you job, deeper than your personal accomplishments, higher that you wildest ideas of self-fulfillment, calling addresses the very essence of your existence. In these messages, Dr. Guinness sets out the principles for all who seek their life's central purpose. How do I discover my calling? What does it have to do with identity and personal growth? Is calling only a spiritual idea or does it cover work, career, and ideas of success? Os Guinness says..."calling is not what it is commonly thought to be. It often flies directly in the face of our human inclinations. But no idea short of God's call can ground and fulfill the truest human desire for purpose and fulfillment."
  • The Call

    Peadar O'Guilin

    Paperback (David Fickling Books, July 25, 2017)
    You have three minutes to save your life . . ."A must-read for anyone who's been sleeping too well at night." --Danielle Vega, author of The Merciless"Creepy and absorbing . . . PERFECT for Game of Thrones fans." --BuzzfeedTHREE MINUTESYou wake up alone in a horrible land. A horn sounds. The Call has begun.TWO MINUTESThe Sidhe are close. They're the most beautiful and terrible people you've ever seen. And they've seen you.ONE MINUTENessa will be Called soon. No one thinks she has any chance to survive. But she's determined to prove them wrong. TIME'S UPCould you survive the Call?A genre-changing blend of fantasy, horror, and folkore, The Call won't ever leave your mind from the moment you choose to answer it.
  • The Midnight Call

    Jodé Millman

    eBook (Immortal Works, June 18, 2019)
    Who would ever suspect that their mentor, teacher, and friend is a cold-blooded killer?Attorney Jessie Martin didn’t—at least not until she answers the midnight call.Late one August night, Jessie’s lifelong mentor and friend—and presently a popular, charismatic, and handsome high school teacher—Terrence Butterfield calls. He utters a startling admission: he’s killed someone. He pleads for Jessie’s help, so out of loyalty she rushes to his aid completely unaware that she’s risking her relationship, her career, and her life—and that of her unborn child—to help Terrence.Does Jessie’s presence at Terrence’s home implicate her in the gruesome murder of the teenage boy found in the basement? Why does Terrence betray Jessie when he has a chance to exonerate her of any charges? Has he been a monster in disguise for all these years?To reclaim her life and prove her innocence, Jessie must untangle the web of lies and reveal the shocking truths behind the homicide. This quest turns out to be the fight of her life: to preserve everything and everyone she holds dear.
  • The Call

    Peadar O'Guilin

    eBook (David Fickling Books, Sept. 1, 2016)
    3 minutes and 4 seconds.The length of time every teenager is 'Called', from the moment they vanish to the moment they reappear.9 out of 10 children return dead. Even the survivors are changed.The nation must survive.Nessa, Megan and Anto are at a training school - to give them some chance to fight back. Their enemy is brutal and unforgiving. But Nessa is determined to come back alive. Determined to prove that her polio-twisted legs won't get her killed.But her enemies don't just live in the Grey Land. There are people closer to home who will go to any length to see her, and the nation, fail...
  • The Night Call

    Jeanne Modessit, Jeanne Modesitt

    Hardcover (Viking Juvenile, Oct. 15, 1989)
    At night when everyone is asleep, Bear and Rabbit hear Starman's message on the wind and go to meet their friends in a secret world hidden beneath a hollow tree.
  • The Call

    Shawn Underhill

    language (, April 23, 2013)
    "Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today." ~ Ernest Hemingway - For Whom The Bell Tolls * This book is a sequel. It will make no sense if you have not read book 1, Silver-White.
  • The Call

    Adam Hamilton

    Paperback (Abingdon Press, June 16, 2015)
    With Adam Hamilton, we have traced the life of Jesus from his birth The Journey, through his ministry The Way, to his death and resurrection 24 Hours That Changed the World. What happened next? Follow the journeys of Paul, beginning with his dramatic conversion, as he spread the Gospel through modern-day Greece and Turkey. Travel to the early church sites and explore Paul’s conversations with the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. In this six-week study, you are invited to experience faith through Christ’s greatest teacher and missionary. ?Endorsements “Adam Hamilton has proven to be a faithful guide to applying the Bible to modern life in a sane and balanced way, and I trust him as an interpreter of the Apostle Paul for today.” -Philip Yancey, author of Vanishing Grace and The Jesus I Never Knew “Pastor and teacher Adam Hamilton succeeds brilliantly in introducing the life and ministry of Paul. Adam’s interweaving of personal testimony and ministry insights provide important lessons for Christian disciples today—something Paul himself would have readily welcomed.” - Dr. Mark Wilson, Asia Minor Research Center, Antalya, Turkey “Adam Hamilton demonstrates theologically and spiritually how indispensable the apostle Paul is to both the early Christian and 21st century church. This book is a wonderful gift for the church, and I recommend it with utmost Christian enthusiasm.” - Dr. Israel Kamudzandu, Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation, Saint Paul School of Theology “I regularly lead groups of seminary students, alums, clergy, and laity on immersion trips to Greece and Turkey. This book will certainly be on my reading list.” - Jaime Clark-Soles, Associate Professor of New Testament, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor, Perkins School of Theology
  • They Call Me the Night Howler!

    R. L. Stine

    eBook (Scholastic Inc., July 7, 2020)
    Mason Brady loves comics! He knows every hero, villain, and sidekick. He even draws his own characters. On a trip to his favorite place, the Comic Book Characters Hall of Fame Museum, Mason explores every exhibit. He even comes across the very real Night Howler. But when villains start terrorizing the town, Mason realizes that his whole life is about to change. Will Mason be a superhero or a superzero?
  • Night Calls

    Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Cat Kimbriel

    language (Book View Cafe, Jan. 19, 2014)
    "When you have the Gift, your life is not your own."I was born to a family that harnessed the winds and could read futures in fire and water. Yet my mother kept her secrets.Then the werewolf came, sharing his madness.Now it's my turn to keep secrets....Descended from powerful magic-users, but ignorant of her heritage, young Alfreda Sorensson learns magic and wisdom from her extended family in an alternate early 1800s Michigan Territory.REVIEWS“…once in a very great while I find something I wish I'd read thirty years before it was ever published. … These books do not let you rest.”—Sleeping Hedgehog***"I am so glad that Katharine Eliska Kimbriel's Night Calls is getting out into the world again. If anything, I believe this story’s time has come—it’s the dark fantasy with an underlying glint of the numinous that I think so many readers are looking for and not finding." —Sherwood Smith, author of Crown Duel***"If you can imagine Little House on the Prairie with werewolves, vampires, and magic, you’ve got an idea what this dark fantasy novel is like. ...the strong characters, the matter-of-fact tone, and the strong sense of place make this something special." —Locus Magazine***"The underlying horror...builds slowly and inexorably to an exciting climax. Nordic superstitions and spirits combined with unusual ways to combat the supernatural make this a unique read for horror fans." —Rochelle M. Bilz, Voya***"It takes talent to build a world so rich and lush that the reader cannot imagine it ever being differently, but that is exactly what Ms. Kimbriel has done." —So Many Books, So Little Time***"So there’s the value of hard work. There’s the value of personal sacrifice. There’s the value of human dignity. ...And there’s a rousing action-adventure going on throughout that makes you forget about all of the above until the book is over and you start thinking about how wonderful it all was before you turn back to read it all over again." —Shiny Book Review***"...well-written, lovely character development, and a magic system that has real costs and dangers as well as rewards. I'm looking forward to reading more. Highly recommended." —Lis Carey's Library *** "Night Calls will leave you with that good feeling Wellman always gave--the feeling that though there may be dangers in the world, the powers of goodness and knowledge can overcome. Hopefully, Allie’s story has only begun." —Baryon 61***"Beautifully drawn, solid, compelling characters against a background so real and scary I left the lights on all night!" —P.N. Elrod, author of The Vampire Chronicles***"There are very few books I reread on a regular basis. NIGHT CALLS is one. When I read NIGHT CALLS I thought, first, that Robin McKinley's THE BLUE SWORD had at last found a proper shelf-mate...." —Laura Anne Gilman, Nebula Award Nominee for Flesh and Fire: the Vineart War***"To protect those she loves, a pragmatic young witch finds faith and magical lessons in the natural world--compelling, fantastic tale, beautifully, wondrously written!" —Patricia Rice, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Magic Series*** "Night Calls combines genuinely chilling occult elements with a believable, gritty context that both convinces and compels." —Ardath Mayhar, author of The World Ends in Hickory Hollow***"It has been a very great pleasure for me to have been introduced to your two books dealing with the Craft. The likeness of your people to those of Manly Wade Wellman is strong — though he dealt mainly with male characters and I found your women really more interesting and thoroughly believable. I have on order both volumes to send to a Wiccan friend who I am sure will find them absorbing reading. Do you intend to continue this series? I trust that is so. And I want to thank you very much for introducing me to your world."—An