The Solstice Badger
Robin McFadden
(Green Turtle Press, April 21, 2014)
The Solstice Badger tells the tale of the days when the Sun shone all day long, every day. In the beginning, The Sun roamed the earth happy and filled with joy, but eventually he became terribly lonely and sad, and his light began to dim. Aware of his plight, many of the earth's creatures tried to befriend the Sun, only to find his intense heat burned, and prevented them from getting too close. To the Sun's great joy, one day there came a creature that found a way to get close to the sun, and soon the two became great friends. Staying longer and longer each day with his friend, the Sun's absence from the sky eventually caused the skies to darken and snow to fall. All living things suffered. Would the Sun realize his impact on the world's suffering before it was too late? Would he have to leave his only friend and new found happiness forever in order to to save the world? Robin's engrossing tale and ethereal illustrations bring the Sun's story to a satisfying conclusion as he learns that compromise, compassion, friendship, and wisdom will save the day.