T.s. Arthur
(, June 29, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1859 edition. Excerpt: ...dollars were tendered him, and that sum would be of no use, for it would require nearly six thousand to make good his account. " What must I do V was a question more easily asked than answered. And it was asked over and over again, with a vain looking for some glimmering of light in the distance. But all was darkness and uncertainty, with a distinct knowledge that destruction lurked in his path. The morrow at length came, after a night such as no honest, or even dishonest man, could wish to pass--a night of wakefulness and fearful forebodings Sweetly by his side slept his unconscious wife, and his still happier and innocent children. How his heart ached for them as he thought of the disgrace that would attach to his name, if a discovery of his error were made; of the change in all of his external circumstances that must be the inevitable consequence. The hour for opening the bank at length came; and Mr. Jones was at his post, with the same cheerful air and kind manner that had gained for him the respect and regard of both the officers and customers of the institution. And yet, with all this assumed exterior, there was a terrible feeling within, for there had occurred to his mind no device by which he could put off the evil day. Once the thought occurred to him to state openly and fully his case to the committee of examination, before the process of counting the cash should be entered upon. But this was instantly rejected, with the mental ejaculation--" It cannot--it must not be known!" All through the day, while his hands were busy in receiving and paying out money, his mind was intent on devising some plan of relief from the dreadful dilemma into which he had fallen. Once a gleam of hope shot suddenly across his mind, but it...