Southwestern Indian Tribes
Tom Bahti
(KC Publications, March 15, 1980)
Become acquainted with 39 Southwestern Indian cultures--their histories, governments, and separate fascinating cultures and celebrations. The author, nationally recognized as an authority on the arts and crafts of the southwestern Indian, judged numerous exhibits, wrote many articles, and lectured widely on the subject. The indian tribes include: Acoma; Apache- Jicarilla, Mescalero, San Carlos, White Mountain; Chemehuevi; Cochiti; Colorado River Tribes-Cocopa, Mohave, Maricopa, Yuma; Havasupai; Hopi; Hualapai; Isleta; Jemez; Laguna; Nambe; Navajo; Palute; Papago; Picuris; Pima; Pojoaque; San Felipe; San Lldefonso; San Juan; Sandia; Santa Ana; Santa Clara; Santo Domingo; Taos; Tesuque; Ute; Yavapai; Yaqui; Zia; Zuni.