Draw Mexico, Central and South America
Kristin J. Draeger
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 28, 2016)
Geography is essential to a child’s education. And basic to that study is a simple outline of provinces, countries and continents. In Draw Mexico, Central & South America I have tried to give students an easy introduction to committing the map of Mexico, Central & South America to memory. Through simple, step-by-step instructions, kids learn to draw each area as they connect to their neighbors and, with a little practice, will be able to draw Mexico, Central & South America as a whole.Education seeks to broaden a children's minds, to entice them to explore. Through books, and videos kids can virtually travel to faraway places; studying geography will augment those travels and their journey will be that much richer because they know where they are going.By giving children a primer in the borders and locations of states, provinces and countries I hope to invite them further into the beautifully complicated world of geography.