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Books with title Salvation Chronicles: In the Beginning

  • Z Chronicles: The Beginning

    A.L. White

    language (, Jan. 15, 2014)
    All of civilization is drawing its last breaths as the grip of the zombie apocalypse tightens on the world. In the last days of government efforts to stem the spreading plague, Lori’s parents are taken away when found to be infected—leaving her to look out for her two younger siblings, Jay and Virginia. Barely an adult in her own right, Lori must keep them alive, armed only with her wits and the little training her father’s ‘prepper’ hobby instilled in her. They struggle not only to avoid the hordes of undead monsters roaming their former neighborhood and town, but also to stay sheltered, warm, and fed with resources scarce and sometimes deadly to retrieve. With the help of a fellow ‘prepper,’ Bob, and his two playful yet fearsome dogs, they will face the roaming corpses of mindless zombies and an even more dangerous threat moving amongst them.
  • Salvation Chronicles: In the Beginning

    Chris Puttock

    language (, Nov. 30, 2014)
    Salvation Chronicles - In The Beginning is the start of a series of short stories that is filled with Love, War, Betrayal, Gods, Demons, Magic, Starships and Dragons. As the title suggests it lays out the beginnings of a war which began long before mankind could remember between two advanced races. The first of the races was the Demons of Duat. The second was the Guardians of Avalon. For the next two thousand years these races warred between one another led by their great Immortal leaders. Standing for the Guardians was Tethra. For the Demon legions though was the great Demon Lord Blackfire. To end the war Tethra gave his soul in a desperate last act and the Demon leader Blackfire was imprisoned in the Black Hole Tartarus with his armies to spend the rest of his days in the madness of his own demise. Three and a half thousand years later Tartarus is opened by a force of Demons who quickly get to work with restoring the war that once stood with the Guardians by attacking Earth. As a portion of the Guardian forces resided upon the planet along with the Lost Immortal it would make sense only to destroy them. After a failed attempt to wipe out both Human and Guardian leadership on the Planet becomes apparent, Immortal Michael Saint begins to form his commanders and prepares to fight a war larger than any that had been fought in the last three thousand years. Standing with him includes his most loyalist friends and young Guardian Warriors K-Bell and Jason Parker, his lover Julianna and Veterans of the last war Gabriel, Constantine and the Lion Brothers Peter and Thomas. Between them they carry the strength of the Guardians in its entirety and with swords, magic, bullets and pure brute force they strike down Demons in defence of Earth and in the name of sacred Avalon. As the blood of Humanity, Guardians and Demons is spread across the Earth; Blackfire with his most trusted Summoner, Nyx return home to Duat to find much has changed. Nyx soon explains the destruction which had befallen his world after his imprisonment and soon Blackfire learns that he has more to fear than another Immortal upon meeting the Wraithmaster Mortis. As Blackfire soon finds himself at the mercy of the mysterious Wraiths he soon realizes that for now their goals were aligned. Whilst reluctant to be the puppet as opposed to being the puppet master Blackfire agrees to assist the Wraiths in destroying Michael Saint. To enable his plan Blackfire orders Interron the Great Betrayer to begin the war. The real question all are asking themselves though is what side will Interron be on when the war comes. Interron's past creates great conflict within him and those around him. As Interron's time to decide comes smaller and smaller it becomes apparent that not all is as it seems.
  • Z Chronicles The Beginning

    A L White

    (Anthony L White, Nov. 10, 2017)
    All of civilization is drawing its last breaths as the grip of the zombie apocalypse tightens on the world. In the last days of government efforts to stem the spreading plague, Lori's parents are taken away when found to be infected--leaving her to look out for her two younger siblings, Jay and Virginia. Barely an adult in her own right, Lori must keep them alive, armed only with her wits and the little training her father's 'prepper' hobby instilled in her. They struggle not only to avoid the hoards of undead monsters roaming their former neighborhood and town, but also to stay sheltered, warm, and fed with resources scarce and sometimes deadly to retrieve. With the help of a fellow 'prepper, ' Bob, and his two playful yet fearsome dogs, they will face the roaming corpses of mindless zombies and an even more dangerous threat moving amongst them.
  • The Sara Chronicles: The Beginning; Book 1

    L. Hughes

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, Dec. 10, 2008)
    This is the story of a young girl living in a miserable situation, who is suddenly transported to a strange land and finds that she has special powers. She must locate two other children, who have special powers also and together they have to defeat an evil group called the Garren to return order to the Land of the Keepers.
  • Salvation: The 2101 Chronicles

    R. E. Riepe, M. L. Riepe, X ray Riepe

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 18, 2018)
    This is a proclamation from the Alliance council and is one of the most important information notices we have ever published in our long history. Since the magnetic storms that swept the universes seven hundred years ago and destroyed much of our historical data much has been written and speculated about the Alliance’s origin and where we came from and where we should be headed. Over the past seven hundred years we have seemed to have lost our purpose and direction. Ten years ago the council commissioned one thousand teams of archeologists to survey the area on Earth known as the Smokey Mountains, since much of the rumors, mythology and tales of the local citizens seemed to point to this historical area. This is a vast and wild area, still at this point of time uncharted and ignored by the government over the past seven hundred years since the magnetic storms that swept through all universes. Five years ago one of our appointed teams discovered a large boulder that was against a large granite mountain twenty miles from the village that is known on Earth as Gatlinburg. The team was suspicious and continued to investigate this location. We now know that this was the rock that was once rumored to be the Guardian Boulder of ancient mythology. Once the boulder was moved, the team discovered inside the mountain the legendary Raptors Nest of folklore. The Raptors Nest does exist and is in mint condition. The nanocells after centuries have preserved the military base just like it was over one thousand, four hundred years ago. This was a major find.
  • Z Chronicles: The Beginning

    A. L. White, David Loving, A.L. White

    Audiobook (A.L. White, June 11, 2019)
    All of civilization is drawing its last breaths as the grip of the zombie apocalypse tightens on the world. In the last days of government efforts to stem the spreading plague, Lori’s parents are taken away when found to be infected - leaving her to look out for her two younger siblings, Jay and Virginia. Barely an adult in her own right, Lori must keep them alive, armed only with her wits and the little training her father’s "prepper" hobby instilled in her. They struggle not only to avoid the hoards of undead monsters roaming their former neighborhood and town, but also to stay sheltered, warm, and fed with resources scarce and sometimes deadly to retrieve. With the help of a fellow "prepper," Bob, and his two playful yet fearsome dogs, they will face the roaming corpses of mindless zombies and an even more dangerous threat moving amongst them.