Real Teens, Real Stories, Real Life
T. Suzanne Eller
(RiverOak, Nov. 30, 2002)
With incredible openness and honesty, 39 teens tell their stories, covering topics like falling into drug and alcohol abuse, getting hooked on pornography, struggling with homosexuality, participating in the occult, attempting suicide, becoming pregnant, being physically abused, living in foster homes, going to jail, getting kicked out of the house and living on the street, and other heart-wrenching experiences. The good news is that every one of these teens had a life-changing encounter with God. They experienced the grace, forgiveness, and healing that turned their sorrow into joy. Yes, some still have struggles and scars-but all are with a hope they didn't believe was possible. Suzanne Eller, a writer and youth worker, has carefully helped the teens to craft and edit their stories in a way that is candid and real, but without glamorizing or sensationalizing the hardest moments of life. The result is a book that provides teens with a unique opportunity to receive in-your-face spiritual insights-because it is coming from people their own age who have "been there." Even teens who are not in extreme situations will be inspired by these stories that reveal God's power to transform lives.