Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue
Stephanie Paris
(Teacher Created Materials, Aug. 15, 2009)
Act out the story of Pecos Bill, a rough and tough cowboy from the old West who meets his match, Slue-Foot Sue, a larger-than-life cowgirl with a wild bronco! The roles in this engaging Reader's Theater script match different reading levels, allowing teachers to use differentiation and English language learner strategies to involve and encourage all students, regardless of their reading level. Struggling or proficient, all students can participate in this activity, gaining confidence in their reading fluency and feeling successful! Students will practice interacting cooperatively, reading aloud, and using expressive voices and gestures while performing this thrilling tale! For additional fluency practice, students can recite the poem and sing the song included at the end of the story. By connecting to popular children's literature in a lively way, this script allows students to actively participate and enjoy reading. This colorful, leveled script is the perfect tool to get all students to participate and enjoy practicing fluency.