On the Trail with Freckles and Don
Ruth Wheeler
(Pacific Press Publishing Association, Sept. 29, 2015)
Here is a delightful story about Freckles and Don Bailey—and a burro, their companion in the High Sierra. The burro was only a wish until it unexpectedly appeared near the end of their mountain vacation. After taking part in some of the naturalist activities in the more populated Yosemite Valley, the young boys and their parents enjoyed many experiences in the wilderness areas of Yosemite National Park. The ever-present awareness of wonders of the trail and the thrill of discovery of little things of the wild is told with all the excitement of major adventure. Alive to every rustle of the trees, to the slightest movements of wild creatures, and to the perfume of the mountain air, Freckles and Don find their short visit to Yosemite fascinating. Under their parents’ inspiring guidance, they glean new meaning and interest from the commonplace as well as from the unexpected. In this book, On the Trail With Freckles and Don, your children will love to listen to, or read themselves, the wilderness adventures so delightfully told by author Ruth Wheeler.