North America
Francis Goodman
(, Sept. 2, 2017)
The Jesuits soon unearthed and publicly burnt a libel against theirOrder belonging to some of the traders. Their strength was soonincreased. The Fathers Noirot and De la Noue landed, with twentylaborers, and the Jesuits were no longer houseless. Brebeuf set forthfor the arduous mission of the Hurons; but on arriving at Trois Riviereshe learned that one of his Franciscan predecessors, Nicolas Viel, hadrecently been drowned by Indians of that tribe, in the rapid behindMontreal, known to this day as the Saut au Recollet. Less ambitious formartyrdom than he afterwards approved himself, he postponed his voyageto a more auspicious season. In the following spring he renewed theattempt, in company with De la Noue and one of the friars.