Granny's Magic Garden
Diane Griffith
(Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC, Jan. 10, 2010)
Fairies, Pixies and Many Other Fantasy Characters in the Garden Come to Life inEnchanting New Children's StoryFour children discover a world of fantasy and wonder inGranny's Magic Garden.George and Freddie share the same Daddy as Harvey andSaffie so they are a special kind of family. They all love tohear stories from their Granny about the mystical thingsthat go on in her garden during the night. And during theday, when they play in her garden, they start to realize thatmaybe Granny's stories aren't all made up! When someamazing things begin to happen, the four find that they arebecoming part of the same stories they have always loved.They learn simple lessons in behavior from the charactersand laugh at the funny things that some of them do.Join George, Freddie, Harvey and Saffie as they explore the wonders of Granny's Magic Garden!Author Diane Griffith was born in Scotland, spent her childhood in Wales, and grew up in Merseyside, England. Now she lives in Cyprus with her husband Tony and elderly mother. Diane began telling the stories found in Granny's Magic Garden to her own grandchildren, who enjoyed them so much that she wanted to share them with other children. A writer in many genres, Diane's other publications include Chasing Dreams in Lefkas, a true adventure story, also published by Eloquent Books, as well as the upcoming It Mattered Yesterday and A Moment to Remember, both romantic fiction.