Mythical Magical Creatures UNICORNS & KELPIES
Keegan O'Neil
(, Oct. 6, 2013)
Suitable for children ages 7-10, Mythical Magical Creatures Unicorns and Kelpies is a children's book that focuses on the historical origins of these creatures. Common in fairy tales, legends and folklore from many areas around the world, they have been present through out human history.Several well known historical figures had encounters with Unicorns, find out who! Second in the series about Mythical Magical Creatures, Unicorns and Kelpies is filled with interesting photos and stories from around the globe. It describes some of their magical abilities and powers and retells some of the legends associated with them.Continuing the series beginning with Mythical Magical Creatures DRAGONS, Unicorns and Kelpies is another fascinating look at Mythical Magical Creatures.