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Books with title Mythic

  • The Mythic

    DC Sheehan

    language (, Dec. 17, 2013)
    Fantasy, meet reality! Foul-mouthed and short-tempered fifteen year-old Lucy Knight hates just about everything. She especially despises the fantasy books adored by her only friend Amber. And Lucy is certainly nothing like the attractive, thin, plucky teenagers that star in those tales. However, Lucy is revealed to be the Mythic, a human chosen to stand guard over The Dark, a powerful evil sent here from another world. But someone wants to set The Dark free and only Lucy Knight can save us all from total annihilation. We are totally skegged! The Mythic combines action and humor in a journey through two very different worlds. Fiction and reality will collide and neither will be the same again! The Mythic is the first book in The Mythic series.About the World of the MythicHave you ever wondered where inspiration comes from? What is the source of our myths, tales and stories? How do we come up with the ideas that form songs, art and architecture? Do we pull these things completely from thin air or are they, in fact, all based on something real? What if many of our creative ideas were based on real events, the real events of another world? The Mythic is the first in a series of books based on that premise. The universe of The Mythic features two worlds; Earth, where we live, and Aedea. Aedea is a place where the extra-ordinary is ordinary. War-like butterflies and moths rub wings with talking pigs in literally named towns like Port and Jetty. The seasons have decided not to change and so it is always spring, summer, autumn or winter depending on where you live. Places and people known only from our ancient and modern mythology live and breathe. However, they are not precisely as they appear in our myths, for inspiration is not precise. Aedea is the raw material for our ideas, not a blueprint. Why do so many stories from right across the world feature similar plots and themes? How did someone come up with idea for a minotaur or a rolling rock death trap? Why do we call red, yellow and blue ‘primary’ colors? Why is evil typically portrayed as ‘dark’ and good ‘light’? What are the origins of butterfly scientific names? What’s the common link between Sesame Street and Coronation Street? Are the names of the elements in the periodic table actually inspired from a single source? The Mythic reveals the answers to these things and many, many more.Notes:This book uses English (NZ) spellings, such as 'colour', 'recognise' etc.Although the lead character is fond of profanities (and she is!) there are no explicit words in the book.The Mythic SeriesBook One - The MythicBook Two - The Mythic and the Horses of DoomBook Three - The Mythic and the City of Sweet SorrowBook Four - The Mythic and the Illustrious Lie