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Books with title Mystery of the Pink Owl Flu

  • Mystery of the Pink Owl Flu

    Jessica Anderson

    language (Rourke Educational Media, Nov. 30, 2018)
    Romy was having a bad morning. To top it off he didn’t get to be Nurse Strongman’s assistant because he was late to school. He felt really bad for letting Nurse Strongman down but maybe he could make it up to him! A new case just FLEW into his lap: who turned the owl mascot pink? Romy, hoping to solve the case alone, quickly accuses many of his friends without having all his facts. Can Romy solve the case and keep his friends? Will he make his parents and Nurse Strongman proud? These mysteries are perfectly suited to keep readers guessing as they solve for clues. With longer sentences and fewer illustrations, they are just the right fit for your early fluent reader.• Underlying issues related to friends, family, and growing up• Extensive back matter • Keeps kids guessing with false clues
  • Mystery of the Pink Owl Flu

    Jessica Anderson

    Paperback (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2015)
    Romy was having a bad morning. To top it off he didn’t get to be Nurse Strongman’s assistant because he was late to school. He felt really bad for letting Nurse Strongman down but maybe he could make it up to him! A new case just FLEW into his lap: who turned the owl mascot pink? Romy, hoping to solve the case alone, quickly accuses many of his friends without having all his facts. Can Romy solve the case and keep his friends? Will he make his parents and Nurse Strongman proud? These mysteries are perfectly suited to keep readers guessing as they solve for clues. With longer sentences and fewer illustrations, they are just the right fit for your early fluent reader.-Underlying issues related to friends, family, and growing up-Extensive back matter -Keeps kids guessing with false clues
  • The Mystery of the Pink Bees

    Jane Warden

    Paperback (Jane Warden, Dec. 10, 2018)
    Set in 1910 New York, two kittens decide to raise bees and sell the honey. But something goes horribly wrong, and the bees and the honey turn pink. Based on a true story. Hand-drawn and inked. Ages 3-5.
  • The Mystery of the Pink Waterfall

    R. Dwayne Moulton

    Hardcover (Pandoras Treasures, Nov. 1, 1980)
    Everyone has dreamed of having a special place all their own. A secret place that nobody else knows about. Little did Jennie Maria know that she would find hers as she obeyed her dying grandfather's last request to find the secret of the Pink Waterfall. After negotiating a dangerous route full of narrow trails, tipping tree bridges and rock slides through dark caverns, Jennie Maria finds herself trapped in a wondrous hidden valley after a storm sends flood waters to seal the entrance. Her only communication with the outside world is her best friend Jason's messenger pigeon, Zippo, and her only companions are the animals of the valley who are surprisingly quite tame. Jennie Maria's grandfather has been preparing for her arrival and has built her an ingenious cabin with hot and cold running water, a luscious garden filled with fruits and vegetables, and a detailed book that tells her the history of the valley and its former occupants, the legendary Lapishami Indians. Follow Jennie Maria on her adventures, both physical and spiritual, as she tries to find a passage out of the valley. Laugh with her over the antics of Blueboy the parrot and experience the thrill of riding a muscular mountain goat to the very top of the surrounding cliffs! With 36 brilliantly colored and 24 black and white drawings, it is easy to share in her awe of the Indian treasures she finds, the magnificence of the surrounding ecology, the serenity of the Morning Glory Pool, and the simple beauty of the Pansy Throne. Will Jennie Maria discover a way to get home or is she stranded in this Paradise until the waters recede with the next summer? Fun and intrigue for children of all ages, check out The Mystery of the Pink Waterfall and find out!
  • Mystery of the Pink Owl Flu

    Jessica Anderson

    Library Binding (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2015)
    Romy was having a bad morning. To top it off he didn’t get to be Nurse Strongman’s assistant because he was late to school. He felt really bad for letting Nurse Strongman down but maybe he could make it up to him! A new case just FLEW into his lap: who turned the owl mascot pink? Romy, hoping to solve the case alone, quickly accuses many of his friends without having all his facts. Can Romy solve the case and keep his friends? Will he make his parents and Nurse Strongman proud? These mysteries are perfectly suited to keep readers guessing as they solve for clues. With longer sentences and fewer illustrations, they are just the right fit for your early fluent reader.• Underlying issues related to friends, family, and growing up• Extensive back matter • Keeps kids guessing with false clues